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Oh horses! Look away for a moment and they’ve found a new and inventive way to hurt themselves. Yesterday at turn-in time, Mirana showed us her cool new injury — a scrape just below her left eye. She was talented enough to avoid the eyeball itself, but regardless the…

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Week in Review: February 2 — 8

Week in Review: February 2 — 8

It snowed at SAFE last week, which meant more work for our humans, but also more fun for our horses. In an effort to keep the herd from getting stir crazy, we made sure to give them some extended arena turnout time, which they all seemed to enjoy. 

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Quirky Deja

Quirky Deja

Deja is what you might call, in layman’s terms, a silly goose. When she is in her space with her friend-sister-mother Cleopatra, aka, comfortable, she is a mellow sight — a mare who can nap for hours in the sunshine and who enjoys mutual grooming. But once removed…

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Alumni Update: Amira

Alumni Update: Amira

We checked in with Amira’s adopter, Laura, earlier this month and this is what she had to share with us. Amira and I are doing wonderful. I think Amira is doing absolutely amazing as always. She is a steady, reliable partner. She lives with her best friend Jasmine, my…

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Four New Faces

Four New Faces

Last week, we welcomed four new members into our herd. All four come to us from Pierce County Animal Control, two pair out from two separate seizures. The first twosome were originally part of a trio, but sadly the third horse on the property had to be humanely…

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Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Alumni Update: Bubbles (Bella)

Mary and Bella are doing great! Bella has been in a training refresher for the month of January. The lessons have been going well, and she is learning to be more confident on the trails, where she holds her head lower and more relaxed. Bella has been doing great with…

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February Volunteer of the Month: Val Thorkildsen

February Volunteer of the Month: Val Thorkildsen

Congratulations to Val Thorkildsen, our February Volunteer of the Month! Val’s kindness, dedication, and unwavering positivity make her an invaluable part of our SAFE community. From the moment she joined us two years ago—with no prior horse experience—she has shown…

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Oh horses! Look away for a moment and they’ve found a new and inventive way to hurt themselves. Yesterday at turn-in time, Mirana showed us her cool new injury — a scrape just below her left eye. She was talented enough to avoid the eyeball itself, but regardless the…

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Week in Review: February 2 — 8

Week in Review: February 2 — 8

It snowed at SAFE last week, which meant more work for our humans, but also more fun for our horses. In an effort to keep the herd from getting stir crazy, we made sure to give them some extended arena turnout time, which they all seemed to enjoy. 

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Quirky Deja

Quirky Deja

Deja is what you might call, in layman’s terms, a silly goose. When she is in her space with her friend-sister-mother Cleopatra, aka, comfortable, she is a mellow sight — a mare who can nap for hours in the sunshine and who enjoys mutual grooming. But once removed…

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Alumni Update: Amira

Alumni Update: Amira

We checked in with Amira’s adopter, Laura, earlier this month and this is what she had to share with us. Amira and I are doing wonderful. I think Amira is doing absolutely amazing as always. She is a steady, reliable partner. She lives with her best friend Jasmine, my…

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Four New Faces

Four New Faces

Last week, we welcomed four new members into our herd. All four come to us from Pierce County Animal Control, two pair out from two separate seizures. The first twosome were originally part of a trio, but sadly the third horse on the property had to be humanely…

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