Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic Reports
SAFE has had the good fortune to work with horseman Joel Conner for several years. Joel was recommended to us by Buck Brannaman, and it took sending him one horse to re-start — Kai — for us to know that we’d found the right person to help us. From the very start, Joel showed a deep commitment to developing a horsemanship program at SAFE to help staff and volunteers learn solid and consistent skills for working with the horses. He began coming to SAFE multiple times each year, putting on 3 day clinics to teach us these skills, focusing on groundwork and riding. In 2018, he began adding starting young horses under saddle to the program. He also has donated his time to teaching basic horse handling skills to SAFE volunteers, allowing those with little to no horse experience get safe, hands-on practice. In Joel Conner, we feel we have a partner who understands our horses and our mission as rescuers, and we are sincerely grateful for that!
Below, volunteers who work with SAFE horses in these clinics are asked to write up a short piece for the website about their experience and what they learned. These updates, collected over the past three years, will give you a feel for what a Joel Conner clinic is all about.

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo
As a young guy just starting out in our training program, the goal for Theo is to keep things light. We’re working to develop his balance and strengthen his confidence while wearing the saddle. Theo continues to get softer and is showing great improvement with…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Frosting
There are many things that we adore about Frosting but the overarching theme is her kind heart. As her understanding of the work grows so does the partnership with her handlers. Over the last few weeks she has been getting ridden consistently at least 4 times a week.…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb
Barb is named so because back when she was a wild thing, veritably feral as part of the Fall City 40, she ran herself through a barbed wire fence. This would not be Barb’s only brush with fencing, as several years later she would tweak her back crawling out of her…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Blanche
Lexee N, who has been working with Blanche since her arrival at SAFE, put the first rides on this lovely lady at the end of March, and has the following to say about her: “This mare! Blanche has been checking boxes left and right since she’s arrived at SAFE. She’s…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Wren
This mare has “try” in spades! One of the sweetest mares on the property, she is eager to meet you at the gate, accepting of everything asked of her and lets out the cutest nickers when you dismount. She LOVE her tummy scratches when you take off the saddle and…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jupiter
Lexee N has been working and riding Jupiter for several months, and recently brought him into the March Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she has to say about this handsome guy: “Jupiter is one of the sweetest, dopiest guys you could ever meet. And although his demeanor…

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Pepper
Candi K, who has been working with Pepper since her return to SAFE, rode this cute little mare in the recent Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about their time together: “When it comes to our sweet Pepper, Cher says it best in her song “Just What I Have…

November Clinic Report: Tiva
The transformative nature of the horse never fails to astound me. I suppose that in working with Tiva over the last year, it has been a bit like not being able to see the forest for the trees. Not that her progress does not feel like progress, but looking back to…

November Clinic Report: Brandy
Carrie S worked alongside Brandy in the November Joel Conner clinic, and had the following to say about their time together: “I participated in the November Joel Conner clinic in the groundwork class with Miss Brandy Snap. This beautiful and kind mare has made…

November Clinic Report: Inula
Inula is the type of horse you want to take home to mom, especially if mom is slightly afraid of horses. She has a sweetness about her that’s unmatched by most, a real gentleness that radiates out from her in a little horsey aura. Not to say that there isn’t always…