
description: 2005 dark bay draft cross mare
type of rescue: King County Animal Control seizure
intake date: 1/19/2010
adoption date: 3/7/2011
length of time with SAFE: 2 years, 2 months

ADOPTED!! by Eileen D

Delilah was one of five horses seized from their owner by King County Animal Control because of neglect. Animal Control officers found numerous dead farm animals on the property, and those who survived, including the horses, were living in mud and manure more than a foot deep. Delilah came to SAFE underweight, with overgrown, chipped hooves and a mouth full of ulcerations from lack of dental care. She was also approximately nine months pregnant.

Delilah gave birth to a healthy colt on March 26, 2010. She had some initial problems allowing the youngster to nurse at first, but within about a day and a half, she was allowing him to nurse without intervention, much to our relief. Sampson was a strapping baby boy with a lot of energy who kept his mom on her toes until he was ready to face the world on his own. Once he was weaned, Delilah was ready to start a new life as a riding horse, and was sent to Andrea Lucianna to be started under saddle. She did so well under saddle that one of Andrea’s students decided to adopt her and kept her in Dressage training with Andrea. Delilah qualified to compete at the dressage regional championships at both Training Level and First Level.

SAFE Alumni at the SAFE Show!

It was so delightful to have six former SAFE horses come out to compete at this year’s SAFE show. We love nothing more than seeing our old friends again, and nothing beats seeing them shine in the show ring! Thanks to these lovely photos by Karen Wegehenkel, you can…

Delilah — Adopted!

Congratulations to Eileen D. of Everett, WA on her adoption of Delilah!  Eileen takes lessons with our trainer, Andrea Lucianna, and fell in love with Delilah while she was in training.  Eileen had to put down her wonderful gelding, Spencer, last year due to a…

Delilah Update — Jan 20 2011

Delilah is coming along beautifully in her training and is going walk/trot/canter under saddle. Today we put shoes on her as she has been a little footsore ever since the ground was frozen. She immediately was moving much more comfortably. The trainer called me today…

Delilah Update from Dec 1 2010

Since Delilah’s adoption did not work out, today we sent her up to start training with our trainer. I think she’s going to be a super nice horse, just need to be mindful of her alpha status and her size with other horses. She loaded and hauled perfectly…can’t wait…

Delilah Update from Oct 25 2010

Unfortunately, Delilah got into it with the other dominant mare in her foster-to-adopt situation and Delilah did a bit of damage to the other horse. The other horse will be ok, but as Delilah clearly isn’t going to work out in her herd long-term, Delilah is once again…