Kai_clinic_02_15_2015_01Kai did well for Stephanie in the Michael Sparling Clinic. He was, as Michael put it, the trickiest horse that came to the clinic. To ride Kai successfully, your timing has to be dead on and you have to be right there to support and help him find balance. It is important to “get in and get out” and not to back off or be off in your timing. Michael worked with Kai each day of the clinic with Stephanie. He also donated a private groundwork session on the last day where he really helped Kai see what was being asked of him and made some good progress. He agreed that Joel Conner would be a very good trainer for Kai’s tune up and would help get him through some of the riding issues. Kai needs to engage his core, lift his back and learn to use his body properly and Joel can help him do that through his training. Kai has a harder time doing this to the left. The goal is that Joel will be able to loosen Kai up in any braced spots and find engagement in his hind.