Lexi Update from June 27 2009

Well today was the big video day for Lexi. And wow! I know its always exciting seeing these horses under saddle for the first time, but with Lexi it was even cooler, because the change to her FEET with the shoes has been amazing! She almost looks normal! Just that...

Lexi Update from June 25 2009

Lexi’s training is coming along very well. Like Rhythm, she is also now walking and trotting around the big arena under saddle. We also, after much discussion and getting Dr. Hannah’s blessing, put front shoes on Lexi as she seemed like she was getting footsore. She...

Lexi Update from June 3 2009

Lexi has also progressed to having a rider leaning over her back at a walk. She’s a little more nervous with Rhythm and hence a little behind him but coming along nicely as well.

Lexi Update from May 29 2009

Lexi is doing well in her first couple of weeks in training. She has learned to cross-tie, lunge, get baths, and is wearing a saddle and bridle. She wasn’t thrilled with the bit at first (was trying to spit it out) and bucked the second time she was saddled but has...

Lexi Update from Sept 30 2008

I visited Lexi this past weekend and she is still chunky and is getting her fuzzy winter coat which does nothing to help her look slimmer. She spends her days in a pasture with Rhythm and Willy a QH gelding. She is still very sweet, but preferred to graze over...