Rosie is a solid citizen at SAFE and has done extremely well with all the changes over the last year. Rosie likes things to stay the same and loves constancy. So it is very nice to see how quickly she has been able to relax with changes in location and even new pastures or stalls. She also has had quite a few members of her original herd leave to go on to their adoptions but by preparing her and helping introduce her to new friends she has been able to navigate all of the changes.

She remains very healthy and thriving in her life at SAFE as a companion. She has joined in a few volunteer classes, teaching them how to groom and lead horses. She has been a champ for it all! She has taken a few trail walks and is a great pal with other horses in her turnout pastures. All round she is a good soul and has come to be a favorite of many volunteers. Her wisdom and kindness shows in her sweet deep eyes. One special friend to Rosie is SAFE volunteer Catherine. Rosie and Catherine participated in last month’s Joel Conner clinic and this is what she had to say about the experience:

I have been at SAFE for a little while. I found out a lot about myself and about Rosie. I was vary happy to be able to work with this amazing mare. Rosie is a sensitive and loving horse. Looking for a connection and guidance from people. At the start of the clinic she was nerves, and losing focus. With patient energy she refocused on me. Changing eyes was sticky in the beginning, with not trusting in me. When she’s not confident, she tends to be grouchy, but never mean. With a calm but steady person, will be a amazing companion for anyone. Rosie tries her hardest at what ever she does. Her favorite thing was scratches on her face.”

Rosie is a perfect companion for any home. She is gentle and kind to the horses and humans in her life. We hope to have her placed in a forever home soon where she can feel to love and care of her own family.