The title is a bit misleading, but Veronica and a sports car do have quite a bit in common: flashy, sensitive, and one heck of a ride. With each ride a tune-up, Veronica gets better and better under saddle. On a loose rein, Veronica is going beautifully walk trot lope, and she is spending more and more time in a soft feel these days. Veronica has been off property now, and has participated in several on-site riding clinics. She also recently went for a walk around the property in preparation for more adventures outside the confines of an arena.

Veronica is a soft, but very sensitive, mare. Her adopter at this point will need to be someone with enough skill and confidence with green horses to help continue to bring her along, and support Veronica when she needs it. But that person will find a very willing and special mare with a ton of potential.

Internal beauty aside, Veronica is also a stunner. The best hair of any horse on the property, by far. She is friendly, always greeting you at the gate, and is one of the most gentle horses to handle on the ground, enough that she is often used as a model for instructing volunteers how to lead and groom. Veronica is a perfect girl for the farrier, and is always very brave for the vet.

This mare is really something special, and we are certain that she is going places — the only question now is, will you be going with her?