To watch her go under saddle, it’s hard to imagine that Blanche was only started a few months back, that she only has several handfuls of rides on her. Blanche is a very special type of horse, one who is relatively uncomplicated, as far as green horses go, and who has a monumental amount of try. This past weekend, Blanche experienced a lot of ‘firsts,’ all of which she took in stride, as has become standard for her. She participated in her first Joel Conner clinic in the riding class, though you wouldn’t know it was the first time she was in a clinic setting, bustling with with 11 other horses based on the way she handled herself. She also spent some time outside riding in the outdoor arena, and was brave and relaxed as though she’d been doing it all her life. Lexee N, who has been the one riding Blanche since the beginning, took her into the clinic, and has the following to say about their time together:

Blanche is proving how smart she is, and although green, has made tremendous strides in being a gentle riding horse. She always tries and is soft, which for a big horse can be a tough thing. She also has found comfort and confidence when riding in places thanks to finding more balance. Riding in the outdoor for the first time felt like she had always been ridden out there. There was no change in her feel, just her waiting to see what was next. Her future home will be so lucky to grow and learn with her!”