Though the rehab process can be a slow one, having a horse come out the other side of it good as new is time very well spent. George was very ready to get back into the swing of things – one thing that stall rest does for a horse, a young horse especially, is imbue them with some extra energy. For a boy of only four, George coped with limited movement tremendously well, but once he got the go-ahead to go, he was certainly ready.

After a gradual increase in the intensity of the work he was doing, a plan put in place under the supervision of our vets, George was fully back in the game, and hasn’t looked back since! There is happy ending to this story, which is that this moment in George’s life will be just that, a moment. The days of stall rest and rehab paddocks are in his past, and the future stretches ahead, as long and healthy as George’s legs.