In the sunshine, Jacob shines like the copper of a new penny. While he and BFF Edward are a matched pair of chestnuts, Edward is shedding out into more of a liver, which makes differentiating between the two a little easier from a distance. Jacob has been taking it easy for the most part, just waiting on an adopter to come sweep him off his hooves.

One thing we have been trying hard to combat with Jacob is his chronic loose stool. We have tried many a thing to help combat it — bio sponge, chia seeds, hay changes.. the vet named it, we tried it. Our most recent effort has been to try a course of metronidazole, an antibiotic, with the purpose of ‘resetting’ some of his GI flora. Jacob was a VERY good boy for his twice daily rectal meds, and they made an almost immediate difference in the consistency of his manure. Fingers crossed it will make a long-lasting difference!