Teddi continues to gentle and get softer with work. The great work Phoebe is doing with her is helping her relax around people and handle more situations. Here is an update from Phoebe on Teddi and her work at the last Joel Conner clinic.

I’m fortunate to be able to work with a horse so sensitive & responsive…it’s real easy to know when I’m doing something right, or wrong. Joel showed me again how to free up her front quarters, and this time I understood completely how, why, and what to look for. Her front feet have been stuck and her go-to has been pull back and rear up, and that has gotten so much better since we started working with her! But now truly she can feel like she can move so she no longer needs that to fall back on. It was heartwarming to see her lick & chew & drop her head once she realized she wasn’t stuck anymore. She & I have lots of work to do so this new way of moving becomes a solid habit.

Teddi is doing great being saddled, I added saddlebags this time, other than the typical “head up, freeze, what the heck is that flapping on me?” reaction, she settled in to them nicely. Joel gets better & more engaging with the watching auditors every clinic he does. Great learning, whether in the clinic or observing.

Below, click to view clinic photos by Jessica Farren: