Update from foster mom:

Lexi is doing well and we’re going to try all sorts of classes at the show Saturday (dressage, english, western, trail — all walk/trot). She’s a good all arounder.

I’ve been working with her lightly almost daily since I picked her up last week and am definitely enjoying her. I haven’t had her on the trails yet (hope to this evening); I am willing to bet she’d be great. She stands quietly, walks right out and isn’t spooky (and if she does look at something, she doesn’t spook “big”). She tries to please when I work on teaching her new things (though can get easily frustrated if she doesn’t get it right the first time, but does great when things are broken down into small tasks with big pets as rewards). She’s now doing turn on the forehand, haunches, and starting sidepassing. She’s actually VERY responsive once she gets in tune with you and is in balance. She walked over my bridge first try, and only took a minute to walk through the “car wash” I set up (though she still isn’t quite comfortable standing under it). We’ve been weaving through poles and barrels at the walk and trot and walking over poles — all just exercises to get more in sync.

She is really great with my 3 yr old daughter — very gentle and patient.