Domino arrived last Thursday and unloaded from the trailer like a champ. He checked out his surroundings as Terry led him across the property to our quarantine paddock. These paddocks are purposely away from the rest of the herd, but it seemed lonely to be so far away from any other horses. Luckily, our staff had set up his paddock so we could give him a friend. They would still have enough space, so they couldn’t touch noses just yet. We brought over another new herd member, Ajax, who seems to be a social butterfly. He easily gets attached to his neighbors and becomes upset when we move them. Ajax seemed like a perfect fit to help the new guy settle into his new life at SAFE.

Domino is a 25 year old gelding, who since 2008, has lived an easy life in the backyard of a home in Woodinville. His aging owner was selling half the property in order cover expenses and stay in their own house. Domino hasn’t seen a vet since his gelding in 2009, but the family kept up on his hoof trims, worming and vaccines. He’s a healthy hunk of a boy, who faced neglect if placed into the wrong hands, due to the owners age and ability to safely rehome. This boy has a TON of life left, and possibly a few trails to burn too! We will see over time with our training.

Today, we turned out Domino and Ajax together on grass. The two are now acting like lifelong buds. Following each other around the grassy field and even kicking up their heels!

Domino meets Ajax for the first time.

Best buds!

Let’s run!
