Beautiful girl Miah

Beautiful girl Miah

It has been a delight to get to know this gentle little flower. Miah is always happy to greet you in the pasture or in her paddock. She has a very soft and pleasant demeanor and her beautiful big eyes make your heart melt. I’ve started to ride Miah over the last few weeks and while she was cautious at first, I’ve quickly gained her trust and I’m enjoying our time together. She is a very willing partner with an eagerness to please.

Naturally, as an Arab mare, you may guess she has some spunk to her stride…some of which can be accounted for her getting to know a new rider. I have been working with her on establishing a nice rhythm and relaxation. Miah has softened into some very nice moments and has smooth strides as she stretches without difficulty over her top line. She is easy to move forward, stop and change directions. I rode her Monday after 3 days off and she was great. While more consistent rides will help her establish better balance and stamina, her head was in it and we didn’t have any issues due to the long weekend.

Miah strikes a pose!Miah gives a rewarding experience for the rider. She is one of those horses that gets into your heart and makes it so you can’t stop smiling!