SAFE volunteer rider Casey has been working with Raven in preparation for our Colt Starting Clinic with Joel Conner on March 15–18th. Our goal is to make her first ride as uneventful as possible and for Raven to be as relaxed about a rider up top as she is with her handlers on the ground.
Casey is putting many hours into introducing Raven to new things and supporting her through the process. This young mare is coming along nicely and all the efforts to give her a great foundation are starting to pay off. Casey has been able to successfully saddle her a number of times and has begun to teach her to tie in the arena. She is surprising us all with how relaxed she has become and is making this process look easy! The best results is to have her this relaxed about new things and proves that the horsemanship work is giving her the tools she needs to have a successful start.
- Raven learns to stand tied.
- What a beautiful young mare!
- Look at this cuteness!