Early last month, our sweet Karma came up lame on the left front leg. She was diagnosed with a check ligament lesion and a cyst in her splint bone. The bone cyst carried a prognosis of lifelong lameness if left untreated. Due to her young age and promising future as a riding horse, we decided to pursue shockwave treatment and also an injection of platelet rich plasma to aid in healing.

Heather walking Karma for her rehab.

Heather walking Karma for her rehab.

After several weeks of cold hosing and wrapping, Karma is now down to just stall rest and twice daily handwalking. We were giving her access to a paddock, but after a recheck, Dr. Fleck recommended she be strictly confined to a stall when not being walked. She has completed the PRP and 3 shockwave treatments. Dr. Fleck says that she is a wonderful patient. SAFE is very grateful to have such a wonderful team at Rainland Farm Equine Clinic to help us provide the best care possible for our horses. The next steps will be a re-ultrosound and then a few months of rehab riding bringing her back to full work. While she still has a way to go, her pleasant attitude is making this rehab look easy and we are feeling very optimistic about her recovery.