Tia is doing ok.…she continues to be happiest in her stall and gets nervous outside of her stall.  Dr. Hannah did a brief dental exam on her and most of her teeth are at the gumline so there isn’t much to be done, a few corners that could be rounded and she thinks she can do it in 5 minutes without sedation.   Her left eye is responding well to medication and seems to be bothering her less.  However, I am sad to say that it is likely that we may be facing a decision to put Tia down soon.    Living in a stall is no kind of life, and Dr. Hannah feels that in addition to the blindness she is suffering from some kind of dementia.  She is well over 30 years old, so while making this decision is sad, I feel comfort knowing that we have given Tia several months of good care with lots of love and attention.  I hope that at some point in her life she has received that before…and I suspect that she did.  She seems like a horse that has known love and human kindness before, and I take comfort from that as well.