misty_05_09_2015_111Misty is really turning into a lovely horse. Her attitude while working is very steady and constant. She is ridden by a few different riders throughout the week and is well behaved for their different styles and abilities. We’ve been trying her barefoot for the last few weeks and have decided that she’s more comfortable with shoes on, so she’ll be getting a new set later this week. While she wasn’t terribly tender footed barefoot, she isn’t growing enough of an upright capsule to protect her sole from landing flat on the ground. Shoes will give her a bit more of that outer wall support and she will ultimately be more comfortable on all types of terrain. 

A few weeks ago, we took Misty on her first trail ride of the year and I was very surprised how reactive she was to sights and sounds on the trail. It has been some time since she’s been out on the trails but to be honest I was expecting her to be much more mellow and relaxed for the outing. We took her along with a few other SAFE horses down along the road to the trails that lead to the Hollywood Hill Saddle Club. She did not like the noises on the other side of the properties lining the path. There were lawn mowers and some construction that created the worst reactions. After reaching the arena at the Saddle Club, she was much better but she did have quite a bit of energy to get out. Her volunteer rider worked her though it well and got her focused and dialed into her aids. The walk home still had a few jumps and kick outs but it was managed. We took her again the week before the May 9th show at the HHSC arenas and she was MUCH BETTER! She was quiet and well behaved for the entire walk down as well as for the training ride in the arena. 

At the Schooling Show on May 9th, Misty was good for the trail walk to the show and managed very well for the day of showing. She was ridden in the English Equitation and Pleasure classes in the morning with volunteer rider Ardelle and in the afternoon for the Western classes with Sara. She was good for the riders and came hope with a few ribbons. It was a hot day and her energy was a bit low for the canter work but all and all it was a great start to the show season.