We are delighted to announce that our sweet Savanah has been adopted!!! Congratulations to SAFE volunteer Sandi N who met Savannah at SAFE and forged a strong connection with this lovely mare. Savannah is now living at her new home which she shares with a mare named Midnight, and the two girls are already fast friends. Sandi tells us that the two of them wandered off yesterday and lost sight of each other for an instant…Savannah immediately started hollering and Midnight came running! So it would seem the two mares have already bonded and Savannah has herself a good friend!

Sandi sent us these photos of Savannah and Midnight’s first turnout together…they started their friendship off with a rolling contest then enjoyed some peaceful grazing side by side. It’s wonderful to see Savannah enjoying life as a pampered horse in a lovely field with a friend!

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But we’re most excited about Savannah’s friendship with Sandi. The two became quite close at Safe Harbor where Sandi provided Savannah with the companionship and contact she wanted so badly. Savannah was a horse who sometimes got a little depressed and lonely at Safe Harbor, so Sandi carved out time to spend with her, grooming, massaging, and just hanging out. Her attention brightened Savannah’s spirits tremendously, so we are delighted that the two of them will be able to have even more quality time together.

Like all the SAFE horses, we are glad we were able to be Savannah’s safety net when she needed us, but what we really want these horses to have is a home of their own and a person whose heart is theirs alone. Savannah’s adoption opens the way for us to take in another horse who desperately needs the type of help we are capable of providing. The circle is complete for this lovely mare. We have many more horses just like her who are ready to move on to their new lives. Do you have room in your heart for a SAFE horse?