Chance (photo by Karen Wegehenkel)

Chance (photo by Karen Wegehenkel)

Chance’s shoe boil blew up again and Dr. Hannah was called out yesterday to look at it. Dr Hannah was initially going to just try another round of antibiotics, but after examining it decided that because there was a tremendous amount of fluid and that it should be lanced and drained. She also installed a drain to help us keep it clean and keep it healing correctly from the inside out. So, Chance is back to SMZs twice a day as well as twice daily cleaning and flushing of the wound. Chance is being a good boy for his treatments, but it is painful and uncomfortable for him. We will do everything we can to help him through this setback. Unfortunately, Chance will have to miss the SAFE Show this year, but our main priority is getting him healthy again. Please keep thinking healing thoughts for Chance.

Photographer Karen Wegehenkel took this gorgeous photo of Chance when she visited SAFE Harbor Stables. She also took some incredible photos of Kat, Lola, Miah, Ginger, Nora, Maggie, and Portland. We will be sharing them with you over the next few days. You will be blown away by these beautiful images!