Khianna update

Khianna has been a busy girl lately! She’s spent the last month at Horsepitality Too! getting some extra handling and attention from Chrissy Lynch and some of her riding students. She’s now moving down the road to her new foster home at Third Watch Farm. Chrissy...
Khianna arrives at SAFE

Khianna arrives at SAFE

Khianna is one of a group of horses belonging to a woman who is battling cancer. When she realized that her strength would soon be fading and her finances depleted, she contacted SAFE for help. We listed the horses under our SAFE-Assisted Placement program, and...

Khianna Update — June 14, 2011

Update from Jeanette who, with help from our friends at Sound Equine Options, went down and helped the owner of the horses in Castle Rock get the horses up to date on all their routine care:  Khianna — Kianna was initially very sweet. She did seem to get a bit...