Nova’s Hoof Trim

Nova’s Hoof Trim

One of the first warning signs that something was different about Nova back before her spay was her sudden inability to have her hooves trimmed. She had been seeing the farrier every 6 weeks for years, but one day she could not handle the touch of a familiar hand on...
Gals Being Pals

Gals Being Pals

Nova and Harissa have been sharing a fence line for a while now, but recently became officially introduced out in their grass backyard. Neither of these girls are a stranger to herd dynamics, so there was very little fanfare as they established the hierarchy (Harissa...
Nova’s Saturday Scratches

Nova’s Saturday Scratches

Trudy M, our stupendous Saturday barn staff, has been spending some time grooming Nova during the past few months while she has been in recovery from her spay earlier this year. We have given Nova some time off, and while her expectations for work have been low, she...
Nova’s Spay

Nova’s Spay

Nova’s journey from foal to adulthood has been a tumultuous one to say the least. She was a delightful and friendly girl for the first two years of her life…but then we started to see changes. Her heat cycles, which started out normal, became problematic. She began to...
Itches From Above

Itches From Above

Nova Nova Nova, no longer a baby and, indeed, making that known. I’ve spoken before about Nova’s hormonal struggles, the willingness and sweetness that can flip on a dime to something unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. She is a horse who wants attention and...