There is a human thing called planning a party and being afraid no one will come. I know all about being afraid, but it’s almost never because of a party. Except for that party with the explosions in the sky, do you know that party? I don’t like that party.

My foster mom is planning a party called the SAFE Horse Show. She is working very hard on this party. She tells me she is worried that no one will come to her party! Being a logical horse, I point out that lots of horses came to last year’s party and that means lots of horses will come to this year’s party too. When she is worried or scared, I stand very very still and I let her hug my neck. This is a thing I am very good at.

But I did another thing to make her not be worried too. It was my secret and now I will tell you what it is, and then you will come to the party!

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

<——-What am I doing? I am painting a picture! Mom brought me paint and a canvas, and I painted a picture. A picture is something that shows something that is in my head; I can see it in my head but you can see it on the picture. My picture is a picture of a big field with flowers to eat. It is the field at my house!

Now you will come to the SAFE Show when you hear that my picture will be for sale at the SAFE Show. My mom says there will be an auction and I don’t understand what that means, but somehow my picture will go away and some money will come back to help the SAFE Horses! This makes me very happy. I want to paint more pictures so there will be more money for the SAFE horses and for horses that aren’t SAFE horses but should be SAFE horses. I am very lucky to be a SAFE horse because it means I get to paint pictures and give hugs. And no one tries to sit on me.

You want to see my picture? Not so fast, you people! First you have to tell my mom you’ll be at her party. Here’s the stuff about it: