We had a pretty big setback with Sapphire after Sasha’s passing. We’ve been doing ground work with her to gain her trust, and she regressed quite a bit and started showing some aggressive behavior again. But thankfully, by the end of the month, she was getting back to where she’d been before. Sadly she may always have aggressive tendencies, especially around food. It remains very important that our volunteers remember this and do not attempt to clean around her in her stall when there is hay or grain present. We’ve already had at least one incident of a volunteer forgetting this rule and being kicked at after disturbing Sapphire during a meal. And although the volunteer admitted that she knew better, it is still alarming to us to see Sapphire behave that way. Like many horses who have been starved, Sapphire will always need to be handled with care and focus. She’s not a bad horse, but she’s lived through some bad times. Hopefully with consistent handling, she will learn that we mean her no harm.