Strider Update

Strider has apparently had issues with pressure sores on his fetlocks long before coming to SAFE, and no matter how deeply bedded his stall, the small sores persisted. Recently he’s developed some proud flesh at the site of one of the sores on his hind leg, and so...

Strider’s Best Buddy

Strider and Bucky B Lucky have been close friends since Lucky arrived at SAFE Harbor last month. Lucky is a big boy, but Strider makes him look like a pony!

Strider Update

Strider’s story will be featured in an upcoming issue of Pet Connection magazine, in an article written by Dr Hannah Mueller. Our Assistant Herd Health Coordinator Chelsey Braswell took these photos of Mr Strider a few days ago. Look at his back! It’s almost...

Strider in the Sun

Today, Strider had his first official turnout in SUNLIGHT! His healing has progressed to the point that Dr. Hannah cleared him to begin very brief periods of turnout. We are starting with 30 minutes of exposure for the next few days. We will be closely monitoring...