Aunt Teddi

Aunt Teddi

There should come a time in every young horse’s life when the proverbial cord is cut, and access to their mother’s milk is stopped. It’s not as harsh as it sounds: after around 4 months, a foal needs more than just milk to meet its nutritional needs, and as long as...
Topline for Teddy

Topline for Teddy

Teddi looks like a horse in her 20s and is only 9 years old. We have recently started Teddi on Nutrina Topline Balancer which contains more protein, but is low in calories. We will see if this helps her develop her topline a little better. We will be checking her...
Update on Teddi

Update on Teddi

Teddi has been in our rehab paddock for over six months. We do not see her limp at a walk and are still hopeful that time may heal her pastern joint. Right now, we are now considering Adequan to improve her long term soundness. Adequan is a supplement which has been...
Darling Teddi is Feeling Better

Darling Teddi is Feeling Better

Sweet, smart Teddi seems to be doing well, despite some complications from her previous surgery. Over the summer, it seemed that her lameness was much worse and noticeable at the walk even. Since then, Teddi has been on “stall rest” in her small paddock and seems to...
A Setback for Teddi

A Setback for Teddi

At Teddi’s most recent post-surgery recheck appointment this month, we were excited to see the results of her rehab process so far. But that excitement turned to disappointment when we saw that she is more lame at the trot now than she was at her previous appointment....
Teddi Makes Progress

Teddi Makes Progress

Teddi recently had a recheck exam with Dr. Fleck and it looks as though everything is healing the way it should. Her bones are still healing so she still has a limp if she trots, but that’s to be expected at this point. She has graduated to a slightly larger turnout...