Week in Review: December 15 — 21

Week in Review: December 15 — 21

As we enter the final stretch before the holidays, it’s just business as usual here at SAFE. Aside from being surrounded by festive cheer, very little changes occur around the farm. Each day, horses are fed, watered, and mucked. Our farriers and vets still come out....
Week in Review: December 8 — 14

Week in Review: December 8 — 14

Midway through December, which means lots of rain, lots of grey skies, and lots going on. Last week was a big week for our farriers, and the majority of our herd saw the vet for their bi-annual vaccines. In amongst all that was the usual: riding, groundwork, and a lot...
Week in Review: December 1 — 7

Week in Review: December 1 — 7

The first week of December is over. It has been a busy end to fall (and can you believe it’s still fall? The winter temperatures say otherwise). Last week, our vet was here for quite a few imaging appointments. She also worked in conjunction with our farrier to help...
Week in Review: November 10 — 16

Week in Review: November 10 — 16

Another week has passed at SAFE, and with it we are already halfway through November! The weather is changing (re: darker, colder) but as always, the varied personalities of the horses and the busy, busy days around the barn keep us warm. Check out what we got up to...