Nadia & Aiden Update — April 17

Next weekend, Nadia will be returning from training.  She has been doing really well, and finally learning how to be a proper arena horse and not just having two speeds (“dead run” and “whoa”).  She is learning how to give to the bit and has not had any...

Aiden Update from Dec 19 2010

Aiden update!! Thanks Peggy!! Just letting you know baby Aiden is doing great, the “herd” has let him back in and he cuddles the mare all the time.. he did not know what to do when she was in heat, I looked out one day and he had her tail in his mouth and was pulling...

Aiden Update from Oct 24 2010

I am Aiden’s current foster mom and I just looked at all of the pictures from when he was brought to SAFE and I need to say, I am amazed at the transformation, all who were involved in his rescue have done an amazing job! He is still such a sweet baby, but has really...

Aiden Update from Sept 23 2010

It’s been too long since we posted an Aiden update. We moved Aiden to a foster home in Carnation this summer and he has been romping in 10 acres of pasture with his buddy, a 33 year old gelding named Hawk. I hadn’t seen Aiden in some time but last night I stopped by...

Aiden Update from Sept 26 2010

Bad news today from Aiden’s foster home. He somehow managed to cut himself in the pasture just above his coronet band requiring 6 stitches. It’s in a bad area and will require two weeks of stall rest and bandaging changing, so tomorrow we are moving him to NWESC’s new...

Aiden Update from Mar 31 2010

I’m Aiden’s foster mom, and the cutie is doing well. He always tries hard, even if he could still use more confidence. It seems like he’ll have a great work ethic without being hot. I think once he finds his “person” his confidence will flourish and he’ll be totally...